Tell us a little bit about yourself. My name is Olivia Bladon and I am 16 years old from Newmarket, Ontario. I started playing lacrosse when I was 10 years old for the Newmarket Redbirds. For the last two years I have attended Aurora High School, but for grade 11 I will be at The Hill Academy where I can be in class and train with like-minded student athletes every day. Ever since I picked up a lacrosse stick, I have loved everything about lacrosse! I love being a part of a team, and I have always strived to be the best player I can for my teammates.  It has been a great opportunity to play with Team Ontario.  When I played U15, we travelled all the way to Calgary where we won a National Championship! Last year on the U17 Team Ontario, we won the World Cup U18 Festival held in Peterborough as part of the U19 World Cup, and we travelled to several tournaments including ones in Florida and Baltimore.  Playing with Team Ontario gives me a chance to play with the best players and coaches in the province, against the best teams in Canada and the US. Other favourite lacrosse experiences so far include the Ontario Summer Games and competing in OFSAA with my high school team. I’m working hard towards my goal to earn a scholarship to play NCAA lacrosse at the highest level I can! My family is very active and athletic. I started competitive figure skating from when I was very young until I was 10 years old. I started rep basketball at age 11, and I played basketball, volleyball, and of course, lacrosse for my high school.  In both grade 9 and 10 I received the Female Athlete of the Year award.  I love competing and I enjoy the process of reaching my goals through hard work, and sports are what I love most!


Who is a role model to you? Why? One of my biggest role models would definitely be my mom. She always supports me and goes out of her way to give me every opportunity. I have always admired how hard my mom works at everything she does. She has taught me to do hard things in order to achieve my dreams. It is a blessing to have unconditional love and support from my family and have a strong female role model in my mom. Nikki (my “mindset coach”) has worked me for over a year on developing my mindset and confidence, and she would be another really important role model in my life.  I tended to look at situations more negatively and I had trouble believing in myself. Nikki is one of the most positive people around who can always find the best way to reframe any situation to become a learning experience. Since working with Nikki, I am able to be more positive and more confident no matter the circumstance, making me a better lacrosse player, teammate, friend and person. Another role model would be my strength and conditioning coach, Jadzia. Every time I go into the gym she pushes me hard to make me stronger, fitter, and a better athlete. I didn’t always love the gym, but I now it’s fun, and I see the results from my time in the gym.  She is one of the hardest working people I know and makes the impossible look easy. She always believes in me even more than I believe in myself at times.

I am so lucky to have these amazing strong role models to help me on my path to becoming my best! 

What would tell a girl who is thinking of dropping out of sport? If a girl I knew was dropping out of a sport, I would first ask her to ask herself why? Maybe that particular sport isn’t for her or maybe she doesn’t feel like she is good enough.  Really asking tough questions from herself and listening to the answers. Thinking about all the good things about her sport, and then maybe the not good things.  Is there a way to make the good things better, and keep playing?  Or, maybe the sport isn’t a good fit, and to try something different.  I realized that figure skating wasn’t for me, and I just didn’t feel the joy of practicing or competing anymore.  So, then I searched for another sport to play with the support of my parents. That is when I found lacrosse and basketball. I fell in love with both sports and I always want to practice and compete.  I learned that I enjoyed team sports much more than being in an individual sport. If a girl was considering quitting a sport she just didn’t love it anymore I would ask her why, share my story, and encourage her to try a new sport so that maybe she could find the right fit for her.


What advice do you have for parents, coaches or sport administrators to encourage or improve sport for females? I think it is important to give girls a choice when it comes to sports. Some girls want to play sports like hockey, basketball, and lacrosse, (examples of sports often more recognized as male-dominated sports) and other girls are drawn to dance or gymnastics (sports typically associated with more female athletes). It would be more helpful to have an open mind when it comes to women in sports, and support and celebrate all women in all sports.  The athleticism, competition, and performance can be the focus no matter what. I think that if more girls were encouraged from a young age to give different sports a try, they wouldn’t question if they were “supposed” to play a certain sport or not.  Being active, seeing your progress and development, and having coaches that really care and help girls own their athleticism and love of sport is something that has really helped me keep loving sports, and I want that for every girl that wants to play!

What do you say to yourself to motivate yourself? At times when I question my abilities, or sometimes when I wonder what the point of all of the work is, I always come back to my accomplishments already, and also to my goals. I remind myself that consistently working out, getting my 5km runs in, studying for my SAT’s, and practicing lacrosse in the backyard, are all me preparing for the opportunity to achieve my goals. I tell myself that I have earned the right to think of myself as a good lacrosse player!  Motivation comes and goes, (especially during a pandemic!) but when I pick up my stick, I remember it’s all worth it!


Instagram: @oliviabladonlax